PHP: Prevent uploads from being overwitten

The following PHP file upload script makes the filename server-friendly, checks for filesize limitations, makes the filename unique so it doesn’t overwrite existing files (while using a sane naming scheme rather than simply using random generation & hoping for the best, lol), and outputs the final filename/location when finished.

$file = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); // Get the uploaded file's filename (input's name being set to "file")
$file = utf8_decode($file); // Convert to utf8
$file = strtr($file, utf8_decode("\'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝÑñàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðòóôõöùúûüýÿ"), "--AAAAAACEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUYNnaaaaaaceeeeiiiioooooouuuuyy"); // Replace special characters
$file = preg_replace('/( +)/i', '_', $file); // Replace spaces
$file = strtolower($file); // Make lowercase
$original_file = $file; // Save this as a reference

$size = $_FILES['file']['size']; // Get filesize
if($size>52428800){ // Check if filesize is greater than a specified amount
echo "error file size > 50 MB"; // Output error message
unlink($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); // Clean up upload
exit; // Don't bother to run any more code

$file_i = 1; // Prep the number that'll be appended when there's an existing file
function prevent_overwrite(){
global $file_i,$file,$original_file; // Pull in our external variables
if(file_exists($file)){ // Check for existing file
$parts = explode('.',$file); // Blow apart
$parts[0] = $parts[0].$file_i; // Add incremental number after filename
$file = $parts[0].'.'.$parts[1]; // Join filename & extension back together
if(file_exists($file)){ // If it still has an existing counterpart
$file_i++; // Increase the number
$file = $original_file; // Revert back to the filename w/o the number (so they don't stack up so it ends up being "filename6.jpg" instead of "filename123456.jpg")
prevent_overwrite(); // Run it again
prevent_overwrite(); // Run this to prep to filename to account for the files already on the server

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $file)){ // Try to upload the file
echo $file; // If successful, output the file's final location & filename
echo "error ".$_FILES['file']['error']." --- ".$_FILES['file']['tmp_name']." %%% ".$file."($_FILES['file']['size'])"; // Provide an error message

Hopefully somebody out there finds this useful. I provided more than what’s necessary for simply preventing uploads from being overwritten, but you can take the parts that you need and possibly take some stuff that you find useful.

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